На тестировании RELTA на этой неделе ученику задали вопрос: Have you noticed any changes in passenger behaviour during your time as a pilot? What factors have contributed to passengers being more anxious these days?
Вариант ответа:
Modern aircraft have a great number of facilities to provide a more comfortable flight for passengers. Passengers don't feel any pressure changes. Lots of people are frequent fliers. Maybe in the last century the situation was worse, however now for many people flying is a usual procedure. Most people don't have any fears. I suppose there are some factors for making passengers nervous. Fears can be caused by terrorism threats in the modern world, however I think nowadays we deal with aviation safety of the highest level. Some people might be afraid to catch virus during the flight, but as a pilot I didn't notice any changes.
Можно в принципе все списать на бортпроводников, что это их обязанность иметь дело с пассажирами:
To be honest, it is flight attendants' responsibility to deal with passengers and their fears. I'm sure, of course there are anxious passengers these days, flight attendants don't provide any information about them, they just solve these problems professionally. They might calm down passengers according to their working procedures.